A new shipment of Charm It goodies arrived this morning. I just love this line. All little girls want jewelry and we love to indulge them, but the reality is, sometimes they times lose their jewels, so spending a lot is out of the question. Enter the Charm It Line of charms and bracelets. One of our most popular gifts for young fashionistas, we have a great selection of charms and the bracelets to attach them to. Grandmas and Grandpas especially love them as they can give a new charm for each special occasion. I had a mother and her young daughter in last week buying a bracelet and charm. Their plan was as the child completed certain agreed upon tasks and projects, that she would be able to pick out a new addition to her bracelet to celebrate her accomplishment.
Cupcakes are all the rage right now. How cute is this new Cupcake Bracelet? It has the spacers, so that the charms can be added in between each sweet treat.
Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10th and the Curtsy Girls have gifts in all price ranges. Danielle gave me these Matchstick Gardens several years ago and I've been hooked on them ever since. Simple to grow, even for an apartment dweller like me. Tear out a matchstick, plant it tip first in soil and you will soon have a flower or herb garden growing. On the tip of each match are seeds already mixed to grow.
Reminder: Our next Shop For A Cause is Saturday, May 9th. On that day we will be donating 10% of our total sales to Northwest's Child. Northwest's Child was founded and established in 1990 for the specific purpose of serving the out of school care needs of school aged children, youth, and young adults with special needs and disabilities. Shop for Mother's Day and help us support an awesome local charity.
Curtsy Mama
Mary Jo