Adventures in Curtsyland!

Monday, March 24, 2008

This is Just Dangerous!

It's been a slow day in the store today. Great for catching up on all my bookwork and the million other things that end up in my "to do" pile each week. It is however, dangerous when we still have Easter Chocolates calling me from the front of the store. I can hear them now - the bunnies just begging for their ears to be bitten off - AAAAAKKK!! Save me from myself - all of our Easter goodies are 50% off this week - including the aforementioned talking chocolates. Sorry - I get a little weird when I'm here alone all day.

Of course, now that I'm trying to write the blog - the store is filling up - go figure!

I'm wearing one of my Jessica Kagan Cushman Resin Reproduction Scrimshaw Bracelets today. It always has people trying to get close enough to read the cute saying - mine says "Out of my mind, back in five minutes". We currently have the black & white series, but will have some of her new brights scheduled to arrive in May.

I'm going to end there today. One of the million little projects I want to finish today is sweeping the back room and cleaning the bathroom. I know, I know - it's just soooo glamorous being me!

Curtsy Mama
Mary Jo


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