Adventures in Curtsyland!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ooooohh Sparkly!!!!!

I guess that glittering the displays for the baby section wasn't enough for Ms. Glitterpuss - she's at it again. This time it's a large display that was meant to hold rolls of ribbons. That seemed way to ordinary to our resident creative genius, so she's been using it to hold bins with smaller items in the kid's section. I'm surprised that it lasted on the floor in it's "natural state" (wood) this long. It's now Pretty in Pink and fabulous! My only complaint is that there's pink glitter EVERYWHERE!!!! Snicker's food, my coffee, my adding machine, my chair - you get the picture. I've been sweeping it up all morning - and IT JUST KEEPS APPEARING!

Speaking of sparkly, we received an order of the most beautiful, sparkly candles that I've ever seen. The Gold Rush Candles are natural beeswax and hand rolled with nontoxic glitter. We have them both in a shorter taper and a pillar. A grouping of these candles will make a stunning centerpiece for your next dinner party. Really - go ask Martha, I'm sure she'd approve.

It's the season of true love, and the Curtsy Girls love everything to do with LOVE. We found the perfect pillows to grace your couch, futon, bed. They're funky, pop-arty and customers have been falling head over heels for them. Not in love? Urban legend has it that if you rest your head on one of these beauties, you'll dream of your true love. OK - that' not actually an actual urban legend - I just made it up, but it could happen - right?

Curtsy Mama
Mary Jo


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